About Hanane

Hanane Kai is an award-winning illustrator who brings a design approach to her art. Based in her home studio in the mountains of Lebanon, she and her team have worked with clients ranging from small publishers in the MENA region to Facebook and Pearson. She is especially attuned to the role of emotion in communicating her clients’ messages—something that is often overlooked in the production process.

Her areas of expertise include creative formats for publishing, visualizing sensitive topics for children, designing and illustrating educational curricula, and humanitarian storytelling.

Selected Clients


• Jury member: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2024

• Winner: Bologna Ragazzi Award 2016 • New Horizons category • Tongue Twister “لسانك حصانك”

• Winner: Etisalat Arabic Children’s Book Award 2020 for Best Production • “I will be alright”

• Winner: Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival Award 2016 • “I am Roomi”

• Winner: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2023 • Children’s book category • Amal book 3

• Finalist 3: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2022 • “Amal series”

• Finalist 4: Etisalat Arabic Children’s Book Award 2020 for Best Illustrations • “I will be alright”

• Finalist 3: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2020 • “Amal series”

• Finalist 3: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2018 • Memories of Syrian Refugees

• Finalist 3: Etisalat Arabic Children’s Book Award 2018 for Best Production • The turtle and Rabbit

• Shortlisted: World Illustration Award 2018

• Shortlisted: World Illustration Award 2017

• Shortlisted: World Illustration Award 2016

• Finalist 3: Mahmoud Kahil Award 2015 • On the Memories of Syrian Refugees”

• Winner: “Warsha” • Part of Etisalat Arabic Children’s Book Award 2015 • I am Roomi”

• Finalist 4: Etisalat Arabic Children’s Book Award 2013 • I am Roomi

Who are we

Our process

We use a creative process that is dynamic and playful while being highly responsive to our clients’ unique needs. We start with a series of conversations that help our clients clarify their goals. Then we educate ourselves, diving deep into the project’s world in order to understand it from all sides. After that, we employ an iterative process of design and critique that takes us from story-boarding through sketching and coloring, to a satisfying final product. We take as few things for granted as possible, keeping space open for serendipity and surprise.

Get in touch

Email Hanane: h@hanane.me
Or call: +961 70 951 473

Facebook: @hananekaistudio
Instagram: @hananekai